For Next Year

You really can't beat the feeling of a fresh year can you? New calendars and diaries make me especially excited for 2015. I also think the new start of a new year can be great for your mind, if you've had a rough last twelve months you can start to put them behind you but it's also important to learn from those experiences as well. I always like to set myself some goals at this time of year, they aren't huge mammoth things as I find if you set yourself goals that are too big then you will never achieve them so here are things that I'm going to trying to achieve in 2015: 

Pass my driving test: I learnt to drive when I was 17 and failed my test and then it knocked my confidence so much, with the combination of then travelling 2 hours a day to college, working and just generally being busy I never picked it back up. I will be turning 25 in May and it pains me that I don't have my licence yet and even though I don't have the funds to run a car but I would really just like to have that skill.

Go on a trip: The fact that I've not been away in nearly 3 years makes me pretty blue, I'm talking about a super expensive 2 week island get away but even just a weekend away in this country would be lovely. As my boyfriend works away all the time it makes planning anything pretty difficult but we've decided that we want to try and go away somewhere just to take some time together and we are thinking maybe Oslo. 

Be kinder to myself: This is something that needs to be at the top of my priority list. I'm not kind to myself at all infact I'm actually pretty awful, not once this year have I celebrated anything I've achieved and that is quite sad. I feel like I'm constantly trying to out do myself instead of appreciating what I've done and how far I've come in certain areas. 

Try something new: Sometimes I think it can be a little difficult to try something new and finding the time for it is also another challenge but I love learning so much that I really want to make sure I do something fresh in 2015.

Cook more: I'm terrible for not cooking, I don't know why but I just really don't it very enjoyable at all and I'm pretty inpatient. However this is something that I really want to change as I know how to cook pretty well it's just actually getting myself to do which is the problem.

Let people in: One of my worst traits is that I'm not good at talking about things that bother me, I completely go into myself and just go so quiet and the people who I'm closest to know this and understand why but it's something I want to stop doing.

Keep on reading: Throughout the past few months I've started to pick up books again and I've really enjoyed it and this is something I really want to bring into the next year too. I've got a few books for Christmas from my dad so I will have lots to keep me busy.

Stay in shape: I really got into shape this year and I'm so proud of myself for doing so, I have a chronic illness so it was pretty difficult but I'm glad I did it. I've had my life completely controlled by my stomach for 3 years so it was nice to take back a bit of my health.

Take time off: I've worked so much this year that I've not really taken time off, I'm glad I have worked so much because it's paid off however I'm getting ready for a little break. Being self employed means I don't get holiday or sick pay so it can be incredibly scary to try and take a break but it's very important.

A new career venture: A few days a go I decided something pretty big that I want to achieve in the next 12 months, it's a big leap for me and will require a lot of hard work but it's something that I really want and if it does all come into place it is something that I think you guys might really enjoy as well.

What are your plans for next year? 

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