Wardrobe Staples
I hold my hands up that when it comes to fashion I am not 'on trend' neither am I too interested about being so either but that is another matter I would much rather have a style as that that lasts forever. I like to have my basic pieces and then a couple of more 'fashionable' items to go with those basics as a good collection of those items will see you through multiple seasons as opposed to one. So here we have all the items we like to have in my wardrobe no matter the season.
Camisoles & Lingerie: Throwing on a simple camisole with a pair of black skinny jeans with boots or ballet flats (weather dependant) is quite a standard outfit for me. I think we all remember the cami craze that happened last summer thanks to Topshop and they are the best I have found around although £18 does seem a lot for something that is so simple but they last and come in every colour imaginable. Triangle bra's now dominate my underwear collection, not only are they absolute stunning to look at they are incredibly comfortable, I am a little more than the average in size but I still feel completely supported whilst wearing one and don't feel the undying urge to take it off when I get home like I do with underwired bra's. Bridie from Time and Thyme wrote an awesome feature on soft cupped lingerie the other day which you can read here.
Favourite shops to get these items: Topshop, ASOS, Monki, Urban Outfitters, American Apparel
Tops & Shirts: If you are a longer term reader of From Roses the appearance of a striped breton or two won't be a shock to the system. As the rest out of my outfits are normally black I find myself going toward a pattern with my top more often so it adds something a little more interesting to my attire. Although oxford shirts are more typical in a males wardrobe I think they look adorable on girls too, I think every girl needs a good fitting shirt in her wardrobe. As I am not a huge t-shirt wearer I normally go towards a loose fitting vest top if it is a little too warm for a breton.
Favourite shops for these items: H&M, & Other Stories, Zara, GAP, Uniqlo, American Apparel
Dresses: I am definitely a dress girl, I dabble in a tube skirt most days which I always pick up from H&M or I am a fan of the American Apparel circle skirts. When I do wear jeans they are from Zara as they fit me a lot better than any from Topshop and they last much longer too. I pick up dresses from most places and I'm a fan of the t-shirt, breton, cami and shift style for the most part I don't really venture into any other territories. My favourite piece to date is the vintage shift dress that is red polka dot print I just feel like Minnie Mouse when I wear it and the best part if it only cost me £9 from my local COW.
Favourite shops for these items: H&M, Zara, GAP, Topshop, ASOS, COW, French Connection
Jumpers & Leisure wear: A knitted jumper is a complete staple for me in the cooler months and even into spring time I still wear them on a daily basis. However I do tend to flock towards the mens section to find the perfect fit for me, even though I am petite my body is quite long so I like something that I can throw on with a pair of leggings and ankle boots so it needs to cover my bum at all times. Then I have my comfy clothes, I work from home so I don't need to wearing my finest when the only people who see me are my dog and dad so mostly I chuck on a pair of skinny joggers or some shorts and a sweatshirt.
Favourite shops for these items: H&M, American Apparel, Primark, Whistles, TK Maxx, F&F, Fred Perry
Coats: My name's Rebecca and I am addicted to buying coats. We all that one weak area in one area of our wardrobe and mine is definitely jackets and coats, this is definitely down the fact I wear such plain assembles I feel like a coat can really make or break a outfit. I have four staple styles and that is leather jacket, parka, swing coat, oversized/boyfriend fit and I think a good coat can last you years if cared for properly.
Favourite shops for these items: TK Maxx, F&F, H&M, Zara, GAP, Topshop, ASOS, Fred Perry
Shoes: I also have a slight thing for shoes too but I have very much a ballet flat or trainer kind of girl depending on my outfit. Ankle boots do make an appearance in the winter and summer with little dresses but I find it really hard to find pairs that are actually comfortable enough to wear all day. A simple pair of flats are a staple all year round and then going into summer I love a pair of brown peep toe's as oppose to sandals. That being said I like to wear my Converse with a t-shirt or shift dress too as I think that is always so comfortable especially whilst walking Bella.
Favourite shops for these items: Topshop, Primark, Urban Outfitters, New Look, Office, Size?, & Other Stories
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