What I Want To Do Online In 2015
You might have guessed that posting on this blog everyday and co-owning & running the online magazine A Little Opulent means that I spend an awful lot of time on the internet. The WWW has become such a big part of my life that I've found myself making some little resolutions and goals to achieve in 2015. So of course I just had to share with them on my own little piece of the internet and here is what I want to do online in the next 12 months:
Engage more: This is such a huge part of blogging for me, I always make sure I engage with my readers and reply to my comments and tweets but I'm dreadful at engaging with other blogs. Even though there are so many blogs and bloggers that I bloody adore I'm rubbish at letting them know. So I want to make sure that I leave comments and interact more with them, I know how much my own comments mean to me so I want to do the same for others and show my support.
Get more creative: Although in general I'm pretty happy with the images that I put out onto From Roses I always think there is room for improvement. A few months a go I changed the size of my images so that they could be focal point for this space and now I want to push the quality of them even more. I want to finally get round to incorporating graphics and illustration into this space so this means getting to know my graphics tablet a bit better.
Keep on sharing the love: I try to share my love for my favourite reads on a regular basis anyway because I think it's one of the best and nicest things to do for the community. I'm going to make my Current Inspiration posts a monthly feature as they are some of the best to put together and it's a great way of sharing what is inspiring me at the moment as it could inspire you guys to.
Find new reads: Even though I'm constantly on the hunt for new blogs to add to my Bloglovin feed I find it pretty difficult to find ones that I've not heard about before. This is why share the love posts are so important as it can give some undiscovered some gems the chance to be found. So if you've got any blogs you love then please share them below!
Talk to people more: This is might sound like quite a strange resolution to make but sometimes I feel like I can be quite shy online. This goes along with engaging more with other blogs but I want to try my best to try and connect with others in the community more.
Spend a little less time online: An odd one to finish off with and as much as I love the online world sometimes it can get a little too much. Over Christmas I took a couple of days away from the internet and felt a whole lot better for it.
Do you have any online resolutions?