The Recall Diaries #1

After a lengthy chat about recall over on our Instagram page it felt like it was the right time to start a new segment over on this blog…The Recall Diaries. I’ve written about recall before (read that post here) but after noticing a pattern of Josie forgetting everything she knew about recall on a certain field it was time to go back to basics as well as reach out to see if any other fellow sighthound owners who had any pearls of wisdom. And like always my Instagram messages was flooded with not only people who shared the same struggle but had great advice and this is everything that we not only do right now but the things we’re currently implanting to improve recall.

what we do now

  • Always carry super tasty treats.

  • Use phrases we know that work and stick to them, ours are ‘what’s this?’ and ‘this way’.

  • And of course, using the the most excited voice we possibly can when calling either dog. Shouting and sounding angry doesn’t work at all in the recall stakes.

  • Regularly call both dogs back whether there is a distraction there or not.

  • Giving a treat for them naturally checking in with us.

  • Keeping them interested in what’s going on with us and giving them a reason to stick close by.

  • Always lead both dogs up to other dogs with a treat and close by to us so they don’t quickly zoom up to anyone, obviously sighthounds can’t help their speed but humans can somewhat intervene.

  • Regularly put them both back on lead on a walk so they understand it’s not a punishment, we find this is especially effective with Josie.

what We’re going to try

  • A long line in an open field so Josie can still run but we can maintain some control of her incase she does decide to bolt.

  • Having a set treat that we only use for recall, I think we’re going to try cheese as it’s one of Josie’s favourites.

  • Being more aware of body language when on a walk, so for Josie we can always tell when she might run so in that instance she needs to come back on lead.

  • Never setting the dogs up for failure, as we know their weak areas so instead of just seeing how it goes until we think we’re in a better place with their general training we won’t be tackling those issues.

  • Properly using a whistle for recall, it’s something that we’ve always used an as incase of emergency recall but it’s something we’d like to implement more.

  • Not using their recall words if we know they’re not listening.

  • Trying not use nicknames when recall.



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