A Few Recent Favourites

Considering how much I buy for the dogs, seriously I think I spend more on them than I do myself it never occurred to me to share the items that I really love and think are worth the money in the hound world. Of course, I do this over on From Roses all the time but a post like this is yet to appear on The Adventures Of Josie & Edie, so enjoy our first installment.


Although it's not exactly jumper weather right now, you never know living in the UK so it's always best to have one on hand. I'd eyed up the Redhound jumpers for months, there isn't a hound I follow on Instagram who doesn't have at least one of Debbie's beautiful jumpers in their wardrobe. When Edie came into our lives our friend passed along a Redhound jumper and I absolutely loved the way that it looked so I finally took the plunge and ordered one for Josie. With the help of Debbie sending along some fabric samples so I could pick the best shade for her and I finally settled on a forest green. As Josie does have a small cross in her she's not your standard whippet size, she's a little longer so Debbie kindly customised the size of Josie's fleece to fit her a little better and it's absolutely perfect now. I love that she's got a lot of room around her shoulders so she's not at all restricted when running and she doesn't love anything that goes onto her arms. Although she's not been able to wear it yet due to the heatwave in the UK when autumn rolls around she'll look awesome. Now, just what colour to get Edie when she's fully grown...


This is something that I was recommended to help with Josie's shedding and it can also help with hair loss. Black hounds are known for struggling with their back legs but ever since I've been adding this into her food all of the furs has come back on the top of her back legs. Although it was never a serious problem I wanted to get on top of it before it was. Obviously, right now it's ridiculously hot so she's bound to shed more the overall condition of her coat is great and this bought back those little patches of fur so quickly.  


In the colder months Josie doesn't really require brushing all too much but right now we have to do it daily and I've only just found a brush that really works. As her skin is so thin and sensitive slicker brushes are far too harsh although they work incredibly well so I picked up a rubber brush from Amazon. It was only a few pounds and it works so well, it gets rid of all the fine hair without hurting her skin and she actually enjoys being brushed now. If I brush her daily for just a few minutes I find her coat not only looks better but she doesn't leave anywhere near the amount of fur on our floors as she usually does.


A dog camera is something that I've been on the fence about for a while. I was always worried if I saw the dogs in distress that I'd never want to leave them and as I work from home with them anyway I so very rarely leave them. Which I know isn't the best for your dog as they need to learn to be alone but I just love hanging out with them. When Furbo offered to send us one of their cameras I was intrigued, I'd seen various content creators produce sponsored work with them in the past and it looked like a really fun twist on a traditional dog camera. You can speak to your dog and throw them treats so it definitely makes leaving them a little easier as you can speak to them. Josie is absolutely fine with being left but Edie isn't and she tends to cry quite a lot so keeping an eye on her and getting notifications when she's distressed has made the process a lot easier [although so sad to see her upset]. 


The traditional martingale style of collar is something that Josie hasn't had an in a long time [Edie is still far too small for one] and a brand that I've lusted after from afar for months is Brindle & Whyte. They produce the most simple yet stunning collars in a number of different colours and although it was tempting to go for the yellow I opted for the Olive. It's made out of a webbing that feels sturdy but it's still super soft around her neck so I don't have to worry about it rubbing against her thin skin. And for the quality of the collar, I find it really reasonably priced. Whenever Edie gets to her full height then I will more than likely get her one too as there is a custom option which she will need as she's a tiny little whip.


I bought Josie a Trixie harness a few months and whilst it worked it wasn't perfect and I know so many hounds have Perfect Fit harnesses and now I understand why they're so popular. The harness comes in 3 separate pieces so it can fit your dog regardless of their body shape and that's what we need for long dogs as they're not your typical dog silhouette. They're made out of fleece so they don't rub at sensitive whippet skin and cause bold patches which is the problem we've had in the past with harnesses and they are of course, very comfortable. If Josie tried hard enough she could escape this but that's not really an issue for us, I know Ruffwear are great for dogs that like to wriggle free. We use this for walks and now I run with Josie it's absolutely perfect for that so I don't have to worry about her hurting her neck. They are quite an investment but well worth it as it's not something I'll ever have to purchase again unless it gets completely ruined and even then you can buy the individual pieces. 

What have you purchased for your hound lately?


The Whippet Puppy Survival Guide


Teaching A Sighthound Recall; Everything We've Learned