What I Want To Do Online In 2016

I spoke about my goals and aims for 2016 in a recent post [read here], but I didn't talk about what I wanted to achieve online in the upcoming year. As blogging is such a large part of my life it only seems natural that I've got a few goals and aims for what I want to do online and in blogging in 2016. 


I read blogs every single day, but I'm terrible for leaving comments, in fact, I don't know when I last left a comment on a post I loved. Which makes me feel pretty terrible, when I've really enjoyed a post and took a lot from it I feel like I should let that person know. As a blogger, I know how much I love receiving comments so why wouldn't I leave more as a reader? It's something that I just need to get in the habit of so it starts to feel natural, even letting people know on Twitter would be a good start I think. 


This is a probably a good time to talk about comments. I try my best to reply to every comment I get and have done ever since I started blogging as personally I just think it's common curtesy to take the time to reply to someone who took the time to interact with your blog post.  However, this year I've really struggled to keep up with the number of comments I receive on a daily basis and whilst I know the run the risk of sounding ungrateful which I'm definitely not it's been a challenge. For a while, I wondered if I should just reply to comments that ask questions but I knew in my heart that's just not who I am. I absolutely love replying and building relationships with my readers and that's something I will maintain to do in 2016. 


Creating images for my blog posts is my favourite thing to do. It's one of the biggest reasons that I started blogging, but I don't feel like I create enough images for my posts. It can be difficult to find a balance between copy and photographs as I find especially with beauty content that multiple images can become very repetitive. Not only do I want to photograph more for posts but I want to build up my own stock library too, I started doing it this year and it's been super fun to just create images. 


I always want to push myself as much as I can with blogging as I hate being stagnant and not creating content that excites me. In 2016, I really want to try and create short videos to go alongside my posts, not YouTube, that is something I'm 90% sure I will never do. Moving image is something that I've never really dabbled in despite when interning I was working on video shoots. It's just something I've never tried myself. It will be an entirely new learning experience for me and it could be a total flop but who knows if you don't try? 

What do you want to do online in 2016?

R x

Check out: Joy In The WorldWander To WonderCarly Wynn and Blushingkay, you can advertise with me here.


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