The Books I've Read, Currently Reading and Want To Read Again

It's been far too long since I wrote about what I was reading, infact, according to my archives, it was back in August which is far too long if you ask me. Reading is one of my greatest pleasures in life and something I adore to do but something I really struggle with is fitting it into my routine and for some reason flicking in-between Twitter and Instagram takes over yet I still keep on buying books. However, I've made a tiny dent in my reading list so I thought I'd share what I have read, am currently reading as well as the books I want to make sure I revisit in 2018.



Very British Problems is a Twitter account that I've loved for years. It sums up all the wonderful quirks about being British that only us Brit's will understand and the books were something that I'd always wanted to give a read. They're something that is super fun and light-hearted and you can finish them in an evening but sometimes it's really nice to read a book like that. Both of them gave me a really good laugh and made me realise, as much as this country has its problems I don't think there is anywhere else I'd want to live. I'd miss the sarcasm and dry wit too much although the 106 days out of the year that it rains is not something I'd miss at all. 


Probably one of the most hyped up books in my collection thanks to Instagram and it was a book that I finished in a couple of hours. A collection of poems from Rupi Kaur that is divided into four chapters; the hurting, the loving, the breaking and the healing. I wasn't expecting the poems about sexual assault and was quite taken aback that within just a few words the emotion that they made me feel were like nothing else. The poems about love and heartbreak are simply incredible and it's not hard to understand why these poems are shared so often. I know this is something I'm going to come back to time and time again and I've already got her second book on my Amazon saved list.



This is the book that is currently residing on my bedside table and one that I'm seriously looking forward to finishing. It follows Paul, a neurosurgeon who isn't far away from completing a decade of practice and gets diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. Paul died whilst this book was being written but it follows everything that happened since his diagnosis and the things that make life worth living when you're dying. I'm about a third of a way through and so far I really love the way that this is written. It's almost like reading someone's diary and it's personable whilst still being incredibly well written and eloquent. 


I've used this book as a prop far too often as it's got the cutest cover but it's taken me a while to actually read it. I'm currently going through a big style change as I'm not buying anything and I've had a huge declutter of my wardrobe and this book has given me that little bit of a push. Style isn't something that I read about that often but when I do it's something that I find absolutely fascinating. As I've grown up I've really honed in on my personal style [I wrote a post about it here] and discovered the type of cuts and fits that I feel the most confident in and I'm excited to explore that a little more when the weather warms up as summer dressing is my speciality. 



This book is one of the biggest reasons why I feel so confident in being an introvert and if I hadn't of read it I think I'd still feel very confused about the way social interactions make me feel. I think it's something that everybody should read at some point as it covers everything about being an extrovert to being an introvert and how we all thrive in life. Some of the most talented people in the world [to me] are introverts and it's something that people can strive from. As it can often be portrayed as quite a negative thing or something that makes you quite strange. It's a super interesting book and even though it contains quite a few scientific studies it's not something I find difficult to read and it's something that can teach you so much. Especially when it comes to what traits we gravitate towards and what we shy away from as humans. 


2018 hasn't been exactly the most inspiring year for me so far and my inspiration is certainly taking a hit. Big Magic is a really incredible book for making you feel inspired to create without the fluffy bullshit that is often found in creative books. And it's a very good reminder that none of us are entitled to make a living from our creative endeavours which is something that is all too easy to forget as having a creative career is so normal now. This is a book that I can easily finish in an evening if I put the time aside for it so it's something I'm going to make sure I pick up again soon.


Technically, this is a book that I need to finish rather than reading again because there is nothing I hate more than not seeing a book through to the end. This book is very popular online and in some ways, I understand why but Sarah Knight does come across as a little bit of arrogant know it all which personally I don't see as an attractive trait in anyone. I only managed to get halfway through before I'd had enough as I really didn't find it inspiring to get my shit together and not care what people think. I'm hoping the second half is better than the first and it hopefully contains some useful knowledge. 

What books have you read lately?


Surviving The Rest Of Winter; The Style Edition


A Weekend Beauty Reset; The Crème De La Crème