Podcasts To Inspire You For The Week Ahead

I’ve kicked my daytime Netflix addiction to the curb when it comes to work days. Anyone will know when you work from home just how easy it is to stick something on in the background to keep you company, and sometimes I’ll allow myself to have something on if I’m working late or it’s the weekend. But during the day in the week, I stick to listening to podcasts only now because not only do they still keep me company but they usually inspire me a lot when it comes to work and here are some of the best episodes of my most loved podcasts that I’ve listened to.


I always look forward to Jen and Sara’s weekly podcasts answering letters from other creatives and their predicaments. As Jen is one of my closest IRL friends, I can safely vouch that the advice she gives on the podcast is same advice that she gives to me on a weekly basis when I’m more than likely having a meltdown about IG. Whenever I feel stressed about work I’ll always listen to this and I’m guaranteed to feel better for it. Here are some of my favourite episodes;


I’ve dipped in and out of Love Stories with Dolly Alderton, I don’t listen to it religiously but it’s one that I do seriously enjoy whenever I do give it a listen. I’ve also only just started listening to the High Low which I know so many people adore but again, not one I’ve ever given much time to so I’ll report back with my thoughts on that one. I imagine just like everyone else though I’ll be sure to love it and it will become one of my regular listens. Some of my favourite episodes of Love Stories are;


Mad World is a podcast that I’ve loved from episode one. When it was released it was when I was not only struggling with my own mental health but I was also finding it hard to properly understand what was going on with my mind and how realistically I was going to live life to the fullest when I felt like I couldn’t get through the days that well. Just a quick TW about Mad World, very sensitive topics are discussed so do be aware of that before tuning in. Favourites of Mad World include;


Another podcast from Sara, this time it’s her solo venture of Hashtag Authentic. There’s a lot of Instagram talk naturally but there’s so much more to Sara’s interviews. I always come away from listening to this feeling uplifted and charged creatively, it’s always an honest conversation but always so inspiring. Favourite episodes include;

the fringe of it

This is always a good podcast if you’re feeling a little down in the dumps and need a friendly pick me up. An honest conversation between real life friends Charlotte and Liv, they cover a huge range of topics and are never afraid to speak their mind. Sometimes they have guests on but mostly it’s just the two of them nattering away, my favourite segments are always telly talk and what they’ve been buying. My most loved episodes are;

what are your favourite podcasts?


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