Mouth Ulcers are not Pretty

Well here is something I never expected to be writing about but here goes. Mouth ulcers are the absolute bane of my life and when my mouth is constantly riddled with them it is not only incredibly painful and puts me in a foul mood and I couldn't find anything to help with them. The cause of these constant ulcers are down to the digestive disease I have but lately I have had the worst one I've ever had the pleasure of having. Enough was enough and I had to get something that would really help with the absolute agony I was in, my entire cheek was swollen and now I've been left with a nasty hole in mouth as it has left a scar. 

Think of all the home remedies you've been told about mouth ulcers, none of them have worked for me and Bonjela is a waste of money and has made them worse on more than one occasion. Things that have worked to slightly help in the past have been swilling mouth wash every hour, eating ice cream and sucking on ice cubes but they aren't very practical methods. So off I trotted down to Boots to talk to their pharmacy staff who I see on a weekly basis picking up prescriptions and they always give me as much help as they can. They handed me Anbesol Liquid which can be used on ulcers, teething pains and denture pain, obviously I didn't want it for the other two problems. It works as an antiseptic and anaesthetic I apply this using a cotton bud as that way nothing is wasted and it the most hygienic way to do it. I've been applying it straight onto the affected area and oh does it sting and has made me squeal in pain but then for a good hour I'm completely pain free. Whilst it doesn't heal the ulcer any quicker it makes things like eating & drinking, brushing your teeth and talking so much easier again. I will always have this on hand now as it has made a big difference to how I can handle them and this is something I'm going to be dealing with for the rest of my life.

Yes another base


A Rose Twist on Chloé