Current Cravings #29 Beauty Special

The purse strings are really feeling the pinch this month as it will have been almost 8 weeks since most of us have been payed. Purchases have been put on hold for a long time for me but I have been keeping a list of the things I want to give a go, some are new lusts but some are old classics that I have never picked up. Safe to say that I won't be picking all of these things up at once as that would probably result in a worried phone call from the bank asking if my card had been stolen, it has happened before more than once. I'm not particularly coveting clothes at the moment which is unusual for me apart from a striped bikini in Primark that my boyfriend deems an un-necessary purchase but hey what does he know? I am sure once pay day hits you will seeing plenty of this products popping up here and there especially that Nars blush swoon.

What are you lusting after at the moment? 

Oh I get it now


A Bargain Base