Spot the Difference

For a good couple of months in the summer my skin was at a really awful point. Cystic breakout central and I couldn't figure out why and truth be told it started to really get me down. No I have by no means bad skin at all but for me it wasn't something I was used to. I started trying a lot of new skincare all at once and of course my skin didn't like that at all I had found a routine that suited me down to a T so I don't know why I changed it. Out of all the products that I use there are certain ones that make a huge difference in my complexion and I will continue to re-purchase over and over again. 

I love Origins skincare this is not a secret and a well documented fact it just always delivers what I want and I have never had an issue with the products. I picked up a Make a Difference skincare starter kit in a CCO and I love the entire range but the two products I have noticed the biggest difference with is the toner and this skin rejuvenating serum. I use this at night as my second serum and it gives me skin a big boost of hydration without overloading it. I find this range is absolutely brilliant at helping with any scarring or any breakouts I might have at the time. Now I am sure some people are absolutely sick at the sight of the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo but I am now on my third tube of the stuff. I think there is a lot of confusion around this product and it is not a spot treatment it is corrective and unclogging treatment. At first this dragged all the impurities out of my skin which of course resulted in spots but once they cleared my skin hadn't looked so clear in years. This works hard at keeping my pores clear so they look so much better and pretty non existent and has improved my overall complexion ten fold. Finally the Clarins Gentle Exfoliating toner is something that has been raved about all year. One of my main skin concerns is how badly spots scar even if it is a teeny tiny zit it will leave a red mark. After trying the pepta-bright which was the main reason my skin got so bad I went back to using this as a way of reducing the visibility of them. I use this morning and night and it just makes my skin so much clearer and brighter, it never stings or irritates any breakouts I might have at the time either and definitely makes them healer much quicker. 

What are you favourite skincare items that truly make a difference? 



A Stripy Addiction