Welcome back...
So first of all hello! You might have noticed that I have been gone quite a while now but I am now ready to return to the blogging world with full force. The first thing that you might have noticed is that I have a completely different layout which I am incredibly pleased with, it might have taken me 9 hours but it was well worth it in the end. I hope things look a lot more clearer for your guys now and it is a lot more easy to navigate your way around From Roses.
Secondly I want to make a real difference with what content that I am posting. Although I am a beauty obsessive I can sometimes find it a little tedious writing how much I like a lipstick so I want to include a lot more lifestyle posts on my blog from now on. Something else I would like to add my blog is more photography elements, some of you may know this already but I did a degree in photography and I feel like I have neglected that a lot lately and it is something that I think would go down well with a lot of my readers. Obviously that is something that shall come with time and I would love to know if that is something that you would enjoy.
Finally I just wanted to say another huge thank you to everybody that has read and continues to read my blog. It means an incredible amount to me, I missed my blog a lot more than I ever thought I would and I realised during my break how much passion I did have for the blogging community. So now I am back I hope to make my blog a lot better so that you lovely lot continue to read it!