How To Get Stuff Done When You're In A Serious Funk

A few weeks ago I wrote all about why having a bad day can be a really good thing [catch up with that post here]. However, often those bad days like to spring up at the most inopportune time and we have to still get on with things even though we're in a serious funk. These days happen to me when I've got the longest to do list so I still need to get on with my work as well as make room for the funky mood and here is how I've worked out how to not only cheer myself up but get on with work too.


If you're a list writer then you will probably be all too aware how easy it to get carried away and write every single thing you need to do that month down in one go. I've harped on and on about how important it is to write yourself a normal to do list that is actually obtainable but this is even more important when you're in a bad mood. There are always things that we have to do going on in the background and those are the things not to focus on. If you're in a funk then you certainly don't want to be writing extra things on your to-do list and thinking about maybe filing your tax return early. As we're the culture of being as busy as we possibly can be it's so easy to think you need to pile loads of extra things on your plate to prove a point to everybody else that you're busy and you certainly don't need to. I have two types of tasks on my lists and they are the tasks that are desperate and have to be done right away and then there are the tasks that would be really nice if they got done but they aren't a necessity. Stick to what needs doing and then when that gets done you can work on the bad mood and do something you really do enjoy.

stay off social media for a little bit

For some unknown reason when I'm in a funk I decide that obviously scrolling through social media seeing what everybody else is doing is going to make me feel better. And not so surprisingly it rarely does because everyone else always looks like they've got their shit together and I'm panicking because I've not got mine together that day. I love the online world, I really do and I owe so much to it but that doesn't mean sometimes it can make me feel kinda crappy. When you're not feeling so hot seeing people going out or achieving crazy things, even though when you feel fine you know you'd be cheering them on when you're not in the best mindset can really darken your mood. So staying offline for a little bit is something I always find helpful then when I am a little chirpier I have a lot to catch up on and I actually enjoy the content out there. There is one exception to this rule and that is when you've found someone else who is also in a funk and then you can connect with each other and have a conversation about it. Which I find is way more useful than another perfect flatlay, as lovely as they are we all need to see real life a little more and know that nobody has everything together all the time. 


Something that I used to be really terrible for was harbouring all my bad funky moods to myself and never getting them out of my system. Which isn't good for anybody, clinging onto that negativity just allows it to fester in your mind and get worse and worse and nobody needs that. Although talking about it isn't always the easiest thing to do once you've done it once then it does generally feel a little easier and makes you feel more confident when doing it again. When it comes get getting a funk off my chest I will either talk to my closest friends, boyfriend or family and just be honest. There is no point in sugar coating how you really feel as by doing that you're not really talking about it. And then well I dance it out, I pick the dogs up and waltz around the house with them which I'm aware makes me sound really weird but it makes me feel better within seconds.


When I have the time [making time is key] and I've ticked off my to-do list I will always do one of the following;

  • walk the dogs.
  • take pictures.
  • potter around the house.
  • watch something I love. 
  • read.
  • plan everything from what I want to do at the weekend to what I want to feature on this blog. 
And my favourite lately has been taking more pictures when out on a dog walk as I want as many photographs as Edie as a pup as possible. I can't deny that I fell into the trap of just creating things for work and forgot to take pictures just for myself. I still end up sharing these images at some point but still, I take them with no end goal in sight. Pictures like this are one of the biggest reason this blog exists in the first place. I've got into the habit of taking my SLR or smaller camera out in my dog walking bag and I'm onto my third year with my Canon 700d and 40mm lens [Groupon currently have some really great deals on cameras*]. Whenever people ask me about what camera I use I always say how brilliant this camera is because it makes using an SLR easy which whether you're just starting out or have been taking pictures for a while is lovely to have as I hate anything overly complicated when it comes to tech. And whilst the weather is nice it's the best time for it really, capturing all the beautiful florals is one of my all-time favourite things to do. [Groupon currently have some really great deals on cameras*]
  • Organise and clean my desk.
  • Tidy up my clothes rail, drawers and see if there is anything I can give to charity. 
  • Go through all my desk drawers.
  • Look at my admin list and see if there is anything that needs doing. 
  • Wash my hair and do a hair mask.
  • Paint my nails and sort of my terrible cuticles. 
  • Clean the kitchen and go through the fridge making sure all the food is in date.
  • Laundry. 

what do you do when you're in a funk but still needs to get thinks done?

- this post contains one sponsored link*-


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