Fears I'm Trying To Face In The Rest Of 2018
Ironically, out of everything that I share on this blog talking about my fears is something that scares me the most. Opening up and sharing the things that scare me and riddle me with fear doesn’t feel easy, even when it’s to just myself let alone anyone else. But I’m really trying to face my fears and to make a start here are some of the things that absolutely terrify me.
I am such a huge creature of comfort when it comes to pretty much everything in life and one of those things, in particular, is work. I’ve set myself up this really comfortable routine with work where I know generally what works, what my audience is and what is well received so I stick with it. I have so many dreams and ideas of things that I would not only love to do but things I think I would be good at too. But I constantly talk myself out of them and let the fear completely demotivate me from pushing myself to do anything new. Comfortable bubbles are very inviting, they make us feel safe and like nothing will hurt us but they can also be really damaging to our growth.
The weird thing is I absolutely love deer which is why I chose to use these images for this post, I think they’re incredible, beautiful animals. However, a lot of places where I walk the dogs there is often quite a lot of deer amongst the woodland (even in really public parks) and Josie has chased them more than once. Not something I like her doing or have ever encouraged her to do but if you’ve watched the classic YouTube video called Fenton you will know sometimes dogs don’t listen. And it’s something that has completely ruined walks for me, Josie never gets lost (a common issue for sighthound owners) but I don’t want her near such big animals as I don’t want her to get hurt nor do I want to cause those animals distress. I’ve been gradually facing my fears of going back to where I’ve seen deer before and it’s not been easy. For months I had nightmares about certain woods and it was awful but I know that I cannot avoid them forever. Typically it’s when I walk the dogs on my own that I’m the most scared so making sure I’ve got my dad and Bella in tow helps and it means I get to spend more time with them too.