A Few Goals For 2018

This season is always my favourite when it comes to the type of blog posts that are generally floating around. I'm a sucker for knowing what people are trying to achieve and what their beauty favourites are. I thought I'd kick off my stream of what I almost consider cliché [but amazing] content with a few things I'm going to work towards in 2018...


This year has been pretty dire for me in terms of fitness, to be honest. I really fell out of love with it and I'm a firm believer that if you're not enjoying something that is completely optional there is absolutely no point in forcing yourself to do it. And I do get out constantly with Josie so it's not as if I'm not moving my body at all but I am starting to miss it, I miss that rush of endorphins that always made me feel incredible afterwards. I'm not sure what I want to do in terms of fitness, I'd maybe like to try a class instead of taking up another gym membership so leave any favourites you have in the comments. 


This is a constant goal of mine, it's always something that I'm trying to work towards but I never find myself doing so. I find it so hard to switch my mind off and relax and at any given point when I'm on my phone or my laptop I will be doing something and it's not a good thing. It's not even productive and my to-do lists seem to be growing constantly and I know that it's because I'm not working smart. It took me a little while to come round to the concept of working smarter not harder but now it's something that I'm completely on board with. I always find that my best idea's come from the time that I'm taking my brain out of the work zone. So in that way, it's productive to take a step back from work rather than constantly pushing myself.


As well as learning to properly switch off something else I really want to do in 2018 is go down different avenues with work. I want to explore the online world and branch out from just blogging, there is so much possibility and it's something I want to try and explore more. It's so easy to fall into a comfortable pattern with work and do the things that feel natural but I find that's when you get into a comfortable lull and things no longer feel challenging and I miss that feeling.


Finances and money are on my list of do not discuss on this blog, talking about money isn't something I have any issues with at all and always celebrate anybody who does. But I'm all too aware how much it can make people question what they're earning or saving and make them fall into a spiral of worry whether it's good enough or not. And I don't ever want to be the source of that so just to keep things light and breezy in 2018 I want to work on my savings a lot more. Of course, it is a huge privilege to be able to save anything and every little really does help and adds up. 


Something that I'm really pretty terrible with is putting myself out there, whether it's socially or with work. And I'm a pretty shy person, I've come so far from what I used to be but it's still there and I still feel those nerves come creeping in. I always admire how people are so brave with how they put themselves out into the world and always wish I could follow suit. It's something that's so important when you run your own business as nobody is going to put your name out there for you. 


Going on holiday, is, of course, a very big luxury and not a necessity in life. But it's something that I'd really like to work towards doing in 2018, I've not been away in over 5 years and even just a UK break would be incredible and something that we could take Josie on would be even better. I'm thinking a little cabin break up in Scotland would be the perfect thing for us, and it's totally not because I want to photograph the highlands...


Even though this post is all about having goals and aims something I really do want to work towards is enjoying where I'm at in life. Of course, it's amazing to push forward and have things that we want to work towards but enjoying where we are right now is something I don't do enough. I'm always looking ahead and planning things that I so often forget about the now even though that's where I should be and what I should be enjoying. You can't enjoy the past or the future so it seems silly to spend so much time thinking about it. 

What are your plans for the upcoming year?


Christmas 101


People To Make Sure You're Following In 2018