5 Things That Are Making Me Really Happy At The Moment

Despite October being quite possibly the most miserable start to autumn ever I’m pretty chipper at the moment which certainly isn’t the norm for me when the colder months come around. I’m working hard to change my mindset now we’re getting into A/W and instead of it being all doom and gloom with a ridiculous amount of rain and it getting dark earlier and earlier. There are plenty of things to look forward to when the seasons change and this is what is making me happy right now.

john mayer

Despite my boyfriend being a session musician for close to 6 years of our relationship, we don’t go to many shows at all so when we do it always feels so special. We’re both massive John Mayer fans and it’s rare that he tours in the UK so my boyfriend bought tickets months and months ago for his show at Manchester Arena and it was such an incredible experience. John Mayer is one of those people I can stick on no matter what mood I’m in and always love listening to and he’s a fail-safe for a long car journey. Favourite songs include;

  • Assassin

  • Heartbreak Warfare

  • Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

  • Belief

My A/W Wardrobe

The weather at the moment makes me feel like we’ve skipped Autumn all together as it’s been so foul outside, a crazy amount of rain and the temperature has dropped so much that I've been contemplating gloves. Regardless of the terrible weather I’ve been thoroughly enjoying pulling on my big chunky knits that feel like a hug as soon as you put them on. For as long as I can remember I’ve always preferred summer dressing as it’s just so simple and carefree but I’m coming round to dressing for the colder months. This is more than likely because I dress sensibly now instead of trying to convince myself that my feet aren’t absolutely freezing when wearing ballet flats in the depths of winter. There are a couple of new pieces I want to add that I’ve got my eye to add over the next few months and I’m hoping to finally add a Barbour Parka to my collection of outerwear as I've wanted that coat for so, so long.


I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts at the gym lately and it’s one of my favourite things to do there. I can’t listen to them when I’m running but for anything else, they’re my go-to and these are my favourites at the moment:

  • The High Low

  • Birth Stories with Clemmie Hooper

  • The Beauty Podcast with Sali Hughes

feeling focused with work

Every single summer when work slows down I always go through a little bit of a funk where I feel lost with what I’m doing. And right on time, I feel like I’ve come out of it and I’m super focused on what I’m doing and in love with work again. Something that I’ve not always been so willing to understand is that it’s completely normal to go through highs and lows with your job no matter if you have the dreamiest job in the world. And that’s ok, I’m so much more at peace with the lows than ever before and now I’m back in the swing of things I appreciate it so much more. One thing that did give an extra boost was having a little play around with the design of this blog and I finally took the time to update my work with me page which had to been on my to-do list for a while.


A few months ago we made some changes to our home that were well overdue. I didn’t realise how much of a difference those changes would make to not only how the house looks but how I feel about where we live too. There were so many things that weren’t to our taste for a long time but we didn’t have the funds to make the changes we wanted to so we had accepted what things looked like but we didn’t feel comfortable or really attached to any of the rooms. Now we finally have been able to make the changes our house feels so much more homely for us and that’s such a welcome feeling as it had been something we’d been missing for so long. I don’t think we’re going to make any more changes to the house now even though there are a couple of things that we’d like to do because we know we’re going to be moving in the next year or so and want to save as much money as we can for then.

little things to appreciate in a/w

  • That feeling when you step outside in the morning.

  • Porridge and strawberry jam.

  • The smell of pine when walking the dogs in the woods.

  • The sound of the heating clicking on in the morning.

  • Wrapping yourself in the thick winter quilt.

  • Hot water bottles.

what is making you happy at the moment?


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