20 Beauty Habits For 2020
With our wedding on the horizon, something that I’m more conscious of than ever is my beauty habits and the not so good ones I’ve acquired over the years. Of course, my wedding isn’t the only reason that I want to tackle these less than desirable habits that I’ve picked up. There’s also the fact that this year I will be celebrating my 30th birthday so I know my skin isn’t going to be as forgiving as it once was and this is everything I’m trying to make sure I’m either working into my routine or taking out of it.
Massaging my scalp when washing my hair.
Using silk hair ties when tying my hair up, so much kinder to my tresses.
Trying to find more heat free hairstyles.
Moisturising my body more frequently and delving into oils too.
Get my eyebrows professionally looked at.
Book in more frequent hair trims so that it can grow.
Explore the world of dry body brushing.
Clean my makeup a lot more.
Flossing my teeth.
Not picking at my skin when I can feel a spot about to erupt.
Not biting the skin around the side of nails.
Cleansing my skin every AM & PM, no excuses.
Regularly using deep cleansing masks.
Using a hair mask every other wash.
Cleaning my makeup brushes far more often.
Moisturising my feet and using a pumice stone to soften the skin on my heels.
Filing and shapes my nails instead of clipping them.
Using cuticle oil and hand cream more frequently.
Start using retinol as a regular part of my skincare routine.
Wearing SPF every single day.